Blast Cleaning
Before blasting work, steam cleaning is essential to remove salts oil and general contaminants. Once blasted, a full check is carried out for rust damage, broken welds or fitting.
After careful preparation and paying attention to detail, powder coating can match most wet paints on items such as these car body chassis, with the added bonus of outlasting wet paint by years. Our products are impervious to oil grease, brake fluid, road salt, and most corrosive chemicals. Resistant to stone chipping and very flexible. Highly recommended for any under body work.

Employing Plastic media is a higher coat than conventional blasting media due to the price of materials and extra time it takes to complete. The finish will be smooth and bright. For further information please call our office.

Our shot blasting cabinet being put to work.
Hard Plastic & Blast Media. with compounded glass filler for additional cutting ability.
For fast rust & paint removal. Soft enough to not cause damage on the substrates, but aggressive enough just to remove paint, rust and coatings, without penning or damaging the surface or substrate.
Benefits of Plastic Media
Unlike chemical strippers, plastic media was found to be biodegradable, non-toxic and non-polluting. The process was accepted as the ideal method of achieving delicate surface preparation for a wide variety of materials and components.
A common and very cost effective way of stripping paint and coatings from ferrous and non-ferrous components is to acid or caustic dipping. However, although recognized as an inexpensive way of conducting this process, stripping of items such as a car body can give rise to numerous negative effects. The use of these aggressive chemical strippers can, for example, leave residual chemicals entrapped in the frames, joints and structure of a car, vehicle body or panel.
Additionally, the inside of the vehicle body and panel will have been paint dipped by the manufacturer. This will then be removed by the acid/caustic stripper and cannot be replaced, leaving the inside of the body shell/panel open to possible corrosion from within. As an alternative process, only strips visible areas on a selective basis. Ideally suited not only to paint removal from steel and aluminum bodies, it will also work perfectly on composite and glass fibre vehicles and panels, with no fear of component distortion. This can occur with conventional blasting.
At low pressures, it was also observed that you were able to re-use and recycle the plastic between 3 and 12 times, depending on the hardness of the plastic. PBM soon acquired a reputation as the ideal abrasive for the environmentally conscious blaster. Several incarnations later, plastic media has developed into an abrasive that is used worldwide, and has many different types, gauged by the hardness of the raw material.
How does blast cleaning work?
Shot blasting is a process used to clean surfaces back to the base material.
This is an essential part preparation work, as it removes all contamination as rust and corrosion and leaves a good clean surface for applying the primary first coats of powder coat or wet paint’s.
The process usually involves a nozzle with a high-pressure airline to deliver various types of media, or shot, at the object. This is a particularly effective method for removing scale, rust, paint, and minor surface flaws from metal objects.
Depending on the equipment and the type of material used, we can also apply various surface finishes or textures to a work piece. This can either be for decorative purposes or to prep the surface for paint.
Please note, once blasted it is very important to stop rust forming of steel of cast iron parts to collect and protect within 24 hours or sooner.
We can offer to apply a coat of primer be it red oxide or standard grey wet paint or if preferred a powder coat zinc primer. We charge this on a time & material basis.
Blasting for Max Coverage
Shot blasting is a process used to clean surfaces back to the base material.
This is an essential part of preparation work, as it removes all contamination as rust and corrosion and leaves a good clean surface for applying the primary first coats of powder coat or wet paints.
The process usually involves a nozzle with a high-pressure airline to deliver various types of media, or shot, at the object. This is a particularly effective method for removing scale, rust, paint, and minor surface flaws from metal objects.
Depending on the equipment and the type of material used, various surface finishes or textures can also be applied to a work piece for decorative purposes, or to prep the surface for paint.
Please note, once blasted it is very important to stop rust forming of steel of cast iron parts to collect and protect within 24 hours or sooner.
We can offer to apply a coat of primer be it red oxide or standard grey wet paint or if preferred a powder coat zinc primer. This will be charged on a time and material basis.
This VW body pan had the full anti-corrosive treatment.

Schedule of work:
Clean and remove dirt & grease contaminants, blast clean leaving a clean etched & rust free surface.
Apply 100 micron coat of 99.9% pure zinc metallization coating all areas and masking off all threads. Degas to remove any trapped gas built up within the zinc coat.
Remove from the curing oven and apply the first coat of Gloss black Plascoat PPA-571 (no primer coat required) whilst the material is still hot, this helps adhesion to the more difficult parts to reach. Bake off and reapply second hot coat. The overall final coats will be around 300 microns inc zinc coat. The added weight to this will be around 8 kgs.
This system not only gives a high gloss or semigloss finish, it also offers extreme long term anti corrosion properties. There are other colours in the range to choose from. Yellow, Blue, Light or dark grey, brown, black, red, green & white.
The overall cost on this project came to £450.00 plus vat. Making the work cost effective and reliable in the long term over the traditional work.
Further information:
The metallization system can be used on most car body parts, motorcycle frames and products used in extreme conditions. Aluminium panels are not suitable for zinc metallization due to the re-action between the two materials. However, a pure aluminium material is used that also offers very good long term protection. Also on offer is copper, brass, babbitt and many more materials including pure silver & gold.
Another point to note is for zinc or Aluminium, spray can be used to fill small corrosion damage and pin holes, thus saving time and effort using standard unreliable body fillers. Please note this will not give any structural strength.
For inner surfaces that can not be treated or reached as box rails we can apply a heavy coat of Wax oil to finish the job if required.
So if you are serious and want the best possible long term solution that any car restoration company would be very hard pushed to match, then the above system is the one to choose.
MSB would be happy to work alongside any restoration company to advise and offer this service.
Please feel free to contact our office on 01621 841100.
Plascoat offers.
Superior resistance to sun, salt and sea water.
Excellent impact and sand abrasion resistance.
Premium quality, glossy appearance.
Will not crack, chip, flake or fracture.
Low temperature performance to -70°C.
Excellent adhesion to steel, iron and aluminium.
No requirement for a primer.
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