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Anti-Slip Checker Plate

Applying a anti slip coat to checker plate. Very hard wearing Titanium/ aluminium metallisation coat. Ideal for outside stair cases, walkways, along with excellent anti corrosive protection.

Further materials can be employed as 99.9% pure zinc coating for incredible corrosion protection for steel car chassis & body work. Can also make repairs to smaller corrosion pitting or pin holing,

Brass, copper, tin, steel and many other materials can be applied.

No end of applications. Decorative tiles, can apply to all types of wood, cardboard yes cardboard…… special effects for film studios. Turn wood and many other materials into a metal effect.

Anti slip checker plates for the London Eye pedestrian bridge.

Aluminium titanium surface coat.
Hard wearing anti corrosive protection & non slip. 

Anti-Slip Metal Coating Service – durable anti slip plating

Anti Slip, Corrosion Protection & Personal Safety.

Maldon Shot Blasting & Powder Coating Ltd is now offering an anti-slip coating service.
A durable non-slip coating, 28E ARCTEC coating is ideal for use such as:-
stair treads, ladder and platform surfaces, flat plates, walkways and wheelchair ramps, drain covers etc. and bespoke anti slip plates made to order or using free issue materials supplied by the client.

Key benefits

Low heat input during spraying eliminates the risk of thermal distortion.
Low heat input eliminates the risk of thermal metallurgical degradation.
Sealed hollow fabrications may be treated without risk of explosion.
The process is not limited to zinc, so the coating material may be selected specifically for the environment.
Coating thickness may be varied from place to place to provide extra protection in critical areas.
There is no limit to the size of article which can be treated.
We now offer a full custom finished product, by choice of final highly visible colour coats.
Supply ready made to measure plates and fixings.

Untreated flooring surfaces can become very slippery, especially in wet conditions and are prone to corrosion. To ensure safety in public places and within industrial operating conditions, vital to personal safety and corporate productivity, 28E ARCTEC coating provides a durable non-slip anti corrosion surface.

As well as health and safety legislation, there are a number of British and European Standards that are applicable according to the law. They cover slip resistance properties of flooring materials and footwear.

The most common corrosion protection ones are:
DIN51130. DIN51097. EN13845. BS7976. EN13287. BS4592. BS4592. “28E ARCTEC”
Also within this pack you will find further information regarding anti corrosion services that may be of interest to you including car body panel repairs.

For further information and product samples please feel free to contact our office. on 01621 841100.

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