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How does blast cleaning work?

Shot blasting is used to clean surfaces back to the base material.


It is an essential part of good practice preparation work, as it removes all contamination corrosion and leaves an excellent and clean keyed surface for repair work or applying the primary first coats of powder coat or wet paint.


The process usually involves a nozzle with a high-pressure airline to deliver various media types at the object. This method is particularly effective for removing scale, rust, paint, and minor surface flaws from metal objects.


Depending on the shot blast equipment and the type of shot used, various surface finishes or textures can also be achieved to a workpiece for decorative purposes or to prep the surface for paint.


Please be aware that some parts are not suitable for blast cleaning, such as thin body panels, which can cause distortion.


Decorative blasting can such as sandstone, wood, and glass is just some of many uses on offer.

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